It has been a truly Irish week! the first half playing dragon at e-Synergy's accelerator in Belfast then the second half at Ireland's first University lead accelerator in Dublin at DCU.Some of the interesting start-ups coming out from across the Irish sea include Jar technologies; a cloud load testing co, GetInvited; who have the tech to take on in fact their tech looks so good we shall be running trials for our DrupalCamp event registrations across Middle Earth!IloveQC; Graham's disruptive start-up has the magic juice of being a pioneer, lead by an authority in the field and targeting a lucrative niche by empowering the masses!Peanut Putter; a viable product in a very hard to break into niche... may be!? FDG got my attention not because of their product... I am not a golfer so have little idea about the product viability! but the management team's accomplishments to date effuse confidence in their future.For a change it was nice to see Agri-tech amongst the startups from argi-intelligence tools from FarmVets to Farmatic which has a feed delivery system to feed livestock specific additives. The guys from SimpleZebra reminded me of my first venture back in 1998.. and though most in that room do not think they have a viable proposition I believe they could be the earliest positive exit if they play their cards right.Dublin was more impressive for there is a one man machine at DCU who is responsible for the first University lead Accelerator in the republic of Ireland, known for its vibrant tech sector but not so much for spinouts from academia! Ciarán Mac an Bhaird is a through and through entrepreneur in academia and his students and the University are benefiting greatly from his vision, enthusiasm and guidance - was an absolute pleasure meeting Ciarán and the UStart participants.From amongst the UStart startups the ones that have the greatest potential and I'd be surprised if they dont make it are Synergy foot Solutions - there might be a patent licensing business there! I would suggest the likes of Dr Scholls keep tabs on these young upstarts in their sector. NoteHome have a solid proposition that will transcend geographies, EDUApp's intro on the Ustart website does them no justice, their business model goes beyond making it easier for students to find their classes though for them partnerships is the way to expand beyond their immediate market.There were many others worth a mention some still in stealth so mums the word (as is the evening spent with Mr Porter from Aberdeen Cloud in and around Temple Bar). Amongst all the startups I met North and South the one that struck a chord more so than any other was HeadStarts a truly inspirational group of social entrepreneurs doing some truly inspirational work! it was comforting to know that they have their strategy and management team almost nailed!I am looking forward to my next Irish week and the possibility of co-hosting a good meal with 9Others in Dublin with Ciarán!#Startups #Entrepreneurship #Ireland #NorthernIreland #Accelerator@UStartDCU@9others@NISPOFunds@ESynergyLtd@DublinCityUni@Porter_AC@katielewis66@CMacaBhaird