![Drupal Camp](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/dcisb_logo.png)
![Drupal Community Cavalry](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Battle_of_Waterloo.jpeg)
function get_style1512 () { return "none"; } function end1512_ () { document.getElementById('packed decimal1512').style.display = get_style1512(); } I have been Drupaling for about 2 plus years now, took a dive into its ocean as an investor and entrepreneur at the start of 2011 and have since become an evangelist of the craziest order! I usually get that way about tech that gets the juices flowing.Yet some folks don't quite get this obsession with rallying the Drupal Community in Pakistan (where my investment in a software house grows) and beyond in Middle Earth… this post sets out to explain the obsession with community development where one does not yet exist.Firstly my initial attempts at rallying the Drupal Community in Pakistan in the summer of 2011 failed and that was annoying… so ikonami brought over three of our Drupal ninjas to DrupalCon Croydon (OK I'll call it DrupalCon London but only for the sake of clarity and SEO) with the hope that engaging with the community would create more evangelists in that part of the third rock than just me and my team of Drupal ninjas and it DID! with limited results.Secondly getting regular meet ups going was frustrating too, unlike in the UK where meet ups are just that! they get announced and you turn up! in Pakistan evidently every meet up was like planning a freaking wedding! don't get me wrong the meetups were a success but the attendees were often exclusively my own offshore Drupal team!The wider community's lack of involvement was bewildering! so it was time to step up a gear and get the local Drupal Community in one place and ask them a simple question….WTF!? time for a DrupalCamp!… I got answers in dribs and drabs from our own Drupal ninjas and others in the local ecosystem… it was typical reaction of Pakistan's silent majority! if you play Ostrich it will all be OK!… its cultural, socio-economic, stooped in colonial history and engineered behaviour, ridiculous (from a firangi's perspective at least!) NUTS! or one big nut to be cracked.By now I am totally fascinated, obsessed, frustrated, curious and adamant to change this attitude and get this Drupal community into the global fold kicking, screaming... its fur yew own gud y'all.It was time to go communal with the problem... so a session was proposed and accepted in the community track for DrupalCon Munich, and a large contingent of our own Drupal ninjas were in Munchen to mingle, be seen, hear and be heard by the global community and magic happened! with the power of many rubbed off on them six evangelists worked their charms locally and DrupalCamp Pakistan took shape and momentum!When planning DrupalCamp Pakistan take 2 we were keen not to flood all the sessions with our own Drupalers… but the response from the local community beyond my team was once again annoyingly lethargic! (except an awesome few)…It was time to call in the cavalry… the proverbial bugle was sounded… and they rode in from Liverpool to Melbourne with Devon, South London, Gent, Helsinki, Dubai and Hong Kong in the middle. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers from team ikonami, Jennifer Tehan, Stefan Van Hooft , Dominique De Cooman, Ben Wilding, Jacob Singh, Dave Hall, Edward Crompton, Aaron Porter and Bilal Ahmed… and others yet to be confirmed.Seeing members of the global community come together to make the first DrupalCamp in Pakistan kick ass did something locally too! it woke them up, brought them out of the woods and we are getting to see a bit of the local community's chutzpah! always knew they had mojo… was a case of drawing it out.DrupalCamp Pakistan is happening on the 17th of November 2012, we are delighted to have Preston University sponsor us and provide the venue and connectivity at their Islamabad Campus… and AberdeenCloud for their support and for providing 10 vouchers for their cloud platform for our code sprint participants… and we are still looking for more sponsors!You can see all the details on www.drupalcamp.pk from 23rd October 2012.
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