![Drupal Camp Brighton](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/badcampUK2012.jpeg)
![Drupal Camp](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/DrupalCampBrighton_03848-300x225.jpg)
![Drupal Tasty Backend](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/DrupalCampBrighton_TastyBackend-300x225.jpg)
![Chilli Fest](http://www.guidetosoftwaresourcing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Chilli_Fest-259x300.jpg)
function get_style1510 () { return "none"; } function end1510_ () { document.getElementById('packed decimal1510').style.display = get_style1510(); } Would have been great to stay for the BoF days on Sunday but had other commitments for Sunday...So here a recap of BadCamp.... in a word it was the BOMB... in many it follows:There were some pretty good sessions, and a few awesome sessions, personally I havent coded for 12+ years and since I mostly wear commercial and community hats I sat through the business and beginners track.The day kicked off in a typical Drupalistic unorthodox style.. Steve gave the floor to the audience for 10 secs each (OK some of us went over board) tointroduce ourselves and WHY we were all so into Drupal! to be there on what turned out to be an awesome sunny Saturday in Brighton, with the beach about a kilometer away, a chilli festival in ful swing and well in Brighton when its sunny! Richard Jones's session on Commerce kickstart v2 was brilliant, the live demo went down a storm with all of us interested in Drupal Commerce but I would like to see a live head to head between Drupal Commerce and Ubercart. There was a session on Ubercart later in the afternoon by Arnaud Lepron but would have been useful to have combined session or right after so the audience could really interrogate the pros and cons with Richard and Arnaud.Of super personal interest were two sessions, the first by Ben Wilding , Edward Crompton and Michael Lenahan - covering the importance of community engagement, and how to get the nerves to start contributing on D.O. With my own struggles to preach, convey, convince and sell the benefits engagement with the Drupal community to the Drupal Community in Pakistan... this session was great, and something that needs to be covered in Pakistan's first ever DrupalCamp coming up on the 17th of November 2012 (after a failed start in June this year!). And the spirit of the community was not lost when I asked Ben and Edward to sign up as virtual speakers for DrupalCamp Pakistan to repeat their sessions on community building and contributing (thank you guys).The other session I was curiously waiting for yesterday afternoon was Building a Tasty Backend by Jennifer Tehan on simplifying the administration or the business end of Drupal sites regardless of scale. Indeed less is more and the challenge is always giving the admin/editor users what they need and limiting access to what they dont, could be confused by or worse still use to break the site! Jenni has provided access to the sandbox for a tasty backend and it comes with a caveat - read the documentation! her use of the context_admin, field_group, short_form and role_delegation modules in simplifying the backend is pretty ingenious and late in the afternoon this also happened to be the 'woke me up' session.By no means is this a session review post (so am not covering each and every session here!)... the other session that I found really interesting was a pure site build session by the British Dutchman Stefan Van Hooft - Stefan demonstrated the power of Drupal for non-coders! and on his blog the use of location mapping using GPS tag captured by Smartphones/smart camera's is pretty awesome! and more so the simplicity of 'how i did it' - thanks for a no nonsense session Stefan.And needless to say the best part of the day was meeting new folks in the UK Drupal community from all over the island! and lastly the icing on the cake for a chilli geek like me was the Brighton Chilli Festival and having tried most of the goods on offer the one that towered above the crowd was Kam's Pepper sauces their sauce and pickle were kick-ass and the secrets the no nonsense recipe... you can actually taste the different ingredients, it is HOT but wont send you chasing honey, water, sour cream and celery all at the same time! (by the way.. they could do with a new online store!)and thanks Steve for putting on an awesome Drupal Camp!
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