DrupalCon Prague 2013
Coming up to a week since DrupalCon Prague, caught up with my girls, emails, calls, follow ups and all else... time to reflect.I stand by my verdict of the 26th of Sept: @drupalcon#Prague No #Munich but No #Croydon either but an informative fun week.
That is to some annoyance of a few fellow community members and possibly some folks at DA... folks there was and is no offence intended, someone has to lay it out as it is and I did share the feedback in person with DA and not just tweeted it on my way to the airport HA!
![DrupalCon_Prague_201325 11.51.49](http://kshirazee.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/DrupalCon_Prague_201325-11.51.49-300x225.jpg)
The host city was awesome, the venue was well their congress centre (the best they had to offer I suppose) but the connectivity there sucked! the food though not that important could have been much better, the sessions that I have been catching up on line were good though more diversity is key for the future... representation across the continents please! BoFs were super useful no doubt and some of the SWAG was nice, some just awesome - Acquia and Deeson win the SWAG award!
Having said all of that the most awesome thing about DrupalCon Prague was the connectedness! on that note Prague won hands down! out did Munich too!I am going to be at DrupalCon Austin which will be my first DrupalCon across the pond and knowing how conferences go over the Atlantic am sure it will be mind blowing and if not you will hear about it in person.
As for DrupalCon Amsterdam... it can be nothing short of epic! but then most peeps who have been to the Netherlands would say that!It was great seeing old friends and making new ones and looking forward to the next Cons and upcoming Camps across the third rock.