Digitally lead Social transformation
The collective consciousness of society has changed; locally, nationally and globally, it is disconnected yet converging, running in parallel and seizing every opportunity to merge. Just as digital mediums and their ubiquity is evolving so is its use for social transformation across the rock. It is random, experimental and prescribed, depending on which part of the third rock you are at and what transformation holds for the wider audience. There are institutional forces that are proponents of it, driving it and there are institutional forces struggling with the change and impeding and challenging it at times violently.
Progressive states are embracing the change and empowering their citizens via multiple channels - in Britain an example of digital empowerment and engagement of the masses in the provision of services is the Government's Digital Strategy, its a huge step in the right direction.
The collective aspect of it is Code for Europe, Code for America and beyond one day fingers crossed.Leading the expedition in the opposite direction are China, Saudi, Iran, Cuba, Burma, Bahrain, North Korea to name a few states hard at work, censoring content and access to digital tools to limit access to information, knowledge and tools for connectedness for their populations.
Developed states too are guilty of this ugly act, our media's coverage of Bahrain's 99% and Rohingyas in Burma, our own incessant surveillance being some examples that come to mind.
However the Social Transformation train has left the station, those opposing it can only slow it down and struggle to change its course, the situation in Bahrain is a great example of this, the collective consciousness for a better world for themselves and their offspring is refusing to let up despite the violent clamp down.
Despite the global media ignoring events there the collective consciousness of global society is not and that in itself is a game changer for the revolutionaries in Bahrain!
The Occupy movement is another home grown example where a single protest in New York City's Zuccotti Park against social and economic inequality, on 17 September 2011 lead to protests in 95 cities across 82 countries by 9th October! to date every continent has seen Occupy protests except Antarctica! It is a result of the collective consciousness of global society, the 99% given the tools to organise and coordinate themselves.
The Arab spring, the turkish spring, naya Pakistan, London riots all have digital enablement cutting right across! Collective grievances are evolving into collective solutions, the growth of social enterprises, celebration of social entrepreneurs is exactly that, it is here today and will only grow with digitally enabled connectedness.
The collective consciousness is converging and the digitally empowered 99% are transforming society; the 1% can either harness the momentum, repent and help lead it, facilitate collective consensus or let it fumble along to their peril.
Times have changed, welcome to the new age of digitally empowered social transformation.