UK Parliament says 'No' to war
Time for Great Britain to go to class on the Syrian conflict Cameron, Osborne, Nick and the minority of our Parliament did not quite get what Britain said to them with a NO vote for going to war with Syria.
George Osborne thinks "...there will be a national soul-searching about our role in the world and whether Britain wants to play a big part in upholding the international system, be that a big open and trading nation that I'd like us to be or whether we turn our back on that," To the contrary I'd argue Britain found its soul! an independent mature soul that no longer wishes to tow the line wherever it may take us, instead puts the will of the British people / common sense and the good of the world first!
Britain has a heritage and depth of experience that is unparalleled in the western world when it comes to dealing with foreign cultures and conflicts, and it is the elder statesmen in Britain that needs to put the right foot forward and lead the world in resolving the Syrian crisis. Britain should reinvigorate the dialogue to resolve the conflict... which means Cameron and William Hague need to do some soul searching themselves.
David Cameron, Nick Clegg, George Osborne and William Hague - do you still want to align yourselves with Saudi, Qatari and Turkish interests or are you now ready to put Britain's interests first. In my some what simplistic opinion my government needs to work with the United Nations and seal the Syrian borders, preventing the flow of arms to Saudi/Qatari/Turkish backed Al-Qaeda terrorists as well as to the Syrian national army (from Iran) - thereby starving all sides of ammunition.
Enforce international law on Syria's borders. Play the role of the mature state. Table a resolution at the United Nations to place embargoes on Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Iran for financing international terrorism, which all of these countries are guilty of. At the same time work with the Russians to contain Iran and Hezbollah, work with the United States to contain Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
This will get all sides to the table for dialogue. Russian's are not fools, we have been talking peace with them for Syria whilst turning a blind eye to Saudi, Qatar and Turkey providing arms to the Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, time to play fair Mr Cameron and stop looking both ways.
The eventual solution may be dismemberment of Syria, it may be free and fair elections to unite Syria… or it may be something else but whatever it is, it can only be explored and arrived at through dialogue in the right environment for dialogue.
Britain can take the high ground on the table of elders by playing the game of an elder statesmen; and that is Britain's soul.